Sometimes you need to have a good laugh. Check out these images and such from around the web.
Kayak Fishing Humor
How many experienced boaters have forgotten to put the plug in before they launch their boat?
Forgotten Paddle by Paul Presson It's hard to leave the launch without your paddle unless you have pedals or power. Be sure that you have a leash for your ...
I'm getting old by Paul Presson Sometimes getting old sucks. You forget things like leaving your anchor down and it gets harder to paddle.
Yak Angler 2.0 by Paul Presson Is this you? The sport has changed a lot over the past few years. However, the Rule #1...we can never have enough fishing ...
Not kayak fishing but Max delivers. Falling out of your kayak is no laughing matter so don't forget to wear your PFD.
This one makes you think? So who catches more fish? It's not always those who have the biggest or most expensive boat.